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1 Soldiers, policemen, and the like were all called in to help with the emergency.
2 This includes facial expressions, body language, and the like.
3 A capacity for burying problems made royal commissions and the like instantly attractive to politicians besieged by one knotty issue or another.
4 I accept that downs and heaths and the like need management if they are to survive.
5 It was supposed that burning wood, trash, and the like would provide for our energy needs.
6 That usually means giving diuretics and the like, to reduce the amount of water in the uninjured regions of the brain.
7 Results of investigations and the like will need to be written up.
8 I wanted to encourage street crazies and the like to come and work for us.
9 Beyond the talk of coalitions, alphabetic organizations, and the like, there are at length real people.
10 The whole machinery of prefaces, dedicatory epistles and the like is designed to focus attention on the writer himself.
11 Many of these are small, one- or two-person outfits, snack kiosks and the like.
12 Despite the expensive-looking Baroque decor and the pianist, this place serves cheap pizzas and the like.
13 If the written contract specifies conditions of weight, measurement and the like, those conditions must be complied with.
14 Also, the disagreements between the two bosses usually involve subtleties in emphasis, priorities,[www.Sentencedict.com] and the like.
15 Shippers like to see the same longshoremen, proficient at operating forklifts and the like, he said.
16 Where bilingual ballots do fill a need is in the initiatives such as bond issues, charter amendments and the like.
17 If the Government won't boost pensions, can't it help with gas bills and the like?
18 Perception was pretty much neurophysiology: sensory inhibition, Mach band phenomena, iconic storage, and the like.
19 At first all structures will be temporary - mobile homes and the like.
20 This means that nobody is around to use the local amenities including shops, taxi services, libraries and the like.
21 Will they have an astute sense of time, space, design, proportion, ratio, and the like?
22 The local operators manage the bread and butter chores of poster production and display, media buys and the like.
23 Readers interested in the deployment of experimental camera lenses and the like may get the most out of what LoBrutto offers.
24 A boss who is romantically involved with a subordinate can exhibit favoritism through raises, promotions, assignments and the like.
25 They are called: horrible blunders, astonishing lapses, incomprehensible oversights, gross miscalculations, and the like.
26 One has to do with learning to read body posture, facial expressions, and the like.
27 And will we see a booming demand for private-practice educational psychologists and the like?
28 Each can be the thread that connects children to an engagement with geography, history, and the like.
29 You can also try beef heart, mussel, chicken, liver prawn and the like.
30 He is a cost accountant and also acts as company secretary in respect of share issues, pensions and the like.
More similar words: likelihood, and then, and that, now and then, like, likely, unlike, likewise, feel like, unlikely, around the corner, something like, here and there, to the life, to the limit, helicopter, attend to, hike, bike, strike, help, shelf, shell, hello, elite, helmet, shelter, relief, helpful, cannot help.